Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Being Beatific

Being sad is not fun. There are countless things that can make you sad- weather, grades, homework. But most of all, I think that people are the main cause of sadness. Siblings, friends, parents, and even random kids at school all have the ability to make you sad.  Not just other people, but yourself as well. Things like jealousy, low self confidence, letting people down, and more.

My go-to when I'm sad is usually going on a run or hitting the slopes. Releasing athletic endorphins can help a lot with gaining a new perspective, and helps release all of your sad or stressed energy. Here are some other things that tend to lift my spirits. ☟

1. Eating

Food is one of the best things on Earth, and can change your mood dramatically: bad tasting food can make you sad, and amazing food can make you happy. So amazing food it is. Chocolate, ice cream, and other sweets are life. Don't get too carried away, though. "The best form of revenge is a great body" -Kim Kardashian. Some of you will hate me for quoting her, but you have to admit that she's right. Plus, I've never even watched that show, so don't make assumptions.

2. Music

Music is well known to convey countless moods, emotions, and more. Turn on a happy, upbeat song to lift your mood. Happy by Pharrell Williams is a great choice, until you hear it so much on the radio that you "can't even." However, if you just need time to get all of the misery out of your system, blast some slow sad songs and pretend you're in a music video. 

3. Read/Watch TV

These don't necessarily make you happy, but they can distract you like crazy (not always a good thing). Reality TV, romantic comedies, action movies, dystopian novel, choose your pick!

4. Animals

When people are being bipolar and dramatic, turn to animals. Dogs, cats, fish, and other pets are always there for you. They'll listen to your rants and breakdowns, and will never judge. A lot of animals are also outstanding "cuddlers." Dogs and cats, mostly. Unless you want to snuggle up to the cold, hard surface of a fishbowl.

5. Last but not least, watching funny videos. The ones below relate to my blog because they're about sports (football concussion and soccer "injury"). Jenna Marbles, MadTV, Miranda Sings, and more are also funny youtube comedians/groups. My uncle likes Screen Junkies' Honest Trailers also. 
    (Watch more Key & Peele here)

Thursday, November 6, 2014

School Rules!

I know what you're all thinking. YES OMIGOSH I LOVE SCHOOL SO MUCH. School isn't just about coming together with your "friends" to make some unforgettable memories. It's about taking our minds to the next level. For 12 years straight. Since everyone feels so strongly towards this place of sanctuary, here are my (and I'm sure a lot of other people's) thoughts during this wonderful time of learning.

What time is it?

SHH stomach lunch isn't for another two hours.

Oh that's amazing, keep talking and hugging your friends in the middle of the hallway. Don't mind the herd of teenagers rushing to be on time for their next class. No really, keep huddling and talking about your crushes and complimenting each others outfits. Please.

Yeahhh I'll just finish it as homework.

Did she get a hair cut?

What if I was switched at birth and my real parents are the president and first lady?

Common sense, Bridey. That could never happen, hospitals these days have super high security.

"YES it's finally Friday!"  Person next to me: "It's actually Wednesday"


*Sees someone waving to me*

"Oh he-"

*Person proceeds to hug someone behind me*

What if WE taught the teachers and all of them acted up like us and we just counted down and could send them to the office and tell them what to do.

If I was the principal, I would add a chocolate fountain in every room.

I should really think about my eating habits *Unwraps Poptart*

Thanks for flat tiring me I really needed to just get the back of my shoe off it was bothering me.

What are we supposed to do?

Whoa I should bring a sleeping bag to school and roll it out during class.

How would I look with a bowl cut?

How would Mr. Hase look with a bowl cut?


School is so weird the government is cramming 800 highly hormonal teenagers into a small building with a 25 to one ratio of students and adults, at best. What are they thinking?

Favorite place on Earth!
Photo courtesy of

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Winter Wonderland

This is something that I get excited about. I love to ski, and obviously that can't be done without the best thing on Earth- snow. Don't get me wrong, I love the summer. I also love the fall, and crisp, cold weather, but what's the point of it if there's no snow?

There is none!

Most Treasure Mountain students would be able to see the white, sparse, and almost invisible flecks of snow floating towards the ground if they glanced out of their classroom window last Monday. Someone told be about it in the hall and I immediately ran into my next classroom to see if the rumor was true. Sure enough, if I squinted I could make out the snowflakes. YES! Thank you mother nature, I really needed something to get excited about.

But this was just the tip of the ice berg. This morning I dragged myself out of bed around nine and was shocked to see thousands of big clumps of snow falling to the ground like a waterfall. Now THIS is winter. It looked like a fluffy three inches had already stuck to the balconies and picnic table, which means there is probably 6 to 12 inches at the top of Park City Mountain Resort. Powder skiing here we come!

Taken around 9:30 am

I don't want to be the one to break this to you, but you shouldn't get your hopes up. According to The Weather Channel, the weather will clear up this week. It's back to muddy grass and slushy streets in Park City. Hopefully we'll start to have a lot more days like this one as the upcoming winter begins!